Project Management.
Navigating complex projects, on top of the day to day running of a school, can place both an undue burden on key staff or lead to tumultuous implementation of a project. Parker IT brings a human centred management approach that not only provides peace of mind, but we believe a higher likelihood of a more successful outcome.

Managing large projects
You know the need, but what is the method of getting from where you are now through to the next phase? At Parker IT we support schools in making impactful decisions by walking alongside you and providing the tools and processes to meet your need. We know schools having managed numerous SMS, LMS, Finance system, telephony, AV/Security camera, and IT infrastructure projects.
Project documentation
Often the forgotten detail in any project or system review is the creation of detailed documentation such as Request for Proposals (RFP), Systems diagrams and process workflows. These vital elements, that can’t be rushed, ensure that all stakeholders agree on key decisions, provides visual support for understanding the complexities of your school’s way of working and act as a key reference point now and into the future.
Locating suitable contractors
Because Parker IT works with a wide range of independent schools we are connected to contractors and vendors. Parker IT remains fiercely independent so we can assist schools in locating suitable contractors to respond to your proposal. Because one size does not fit all we will offer insights on the suitability of any contractor to your context.
Negotiating costs
We all want a keen deal but how do you know that you are getting the best cost for your school. Parker IT can assist schools in negotiating costs from vendors.
Project monitoring
Schools never slow down, there is always more to do. In the busyness of the school year, it can be all too easy to lose sight of key progress indicators on major projects. Parker IT monitor the project including areas of risk, budget, and timelines. And most importantly we will keep you informed before issues arise so that these can be addressed.
Performing change management
Significant changes in IT Systems can have a wide reaching impact on your community. Helping schools prepare, communicate, step through and review change helps make the impact positive, sustainable and long lasting. Because of our deep understanding of schools Parker IT appreciates the way change impacts on the staff, students and the community.
Problem resolution
Heading off issues before these arise is always the best problem resolution strategy but on occasions you may need support in working to resolve problems both internally and externally. As a neutral party we can offer guidance and solutions that provide a way forward. We can also equip school and IT leaders with strategies and wisdom in resolving problems.
Presenting to stakeholders
Sometimes it is not just how good an idea is but also how to pitch that to key stakeholders. Parker IT have experience in working with school leadership teams, school boards, whole staff and the parent body to provide shared clarity and vision to ideas.