So, your SIS implementation has largely been successful (or you are thinking ahead and hoping it will be). Your old paper solutions, manual uploads, double data entry have mostly disappeared! Your systems are more integrated than they have ever been. So why is there a loud voice complaining that these new solutions were supposed to make their job easier, but it's harder? Is it a fear of change? It could be. Or it could be that they are right.
The change in so many processes has impacted the way everyone in the school performs their daily job. There are some now who have much less work to do, and they are silently hoping that no one realizes how easy their job has become. The occasional person, on the other hand, is struggling.
As you are shifting to new systems and changing your processes, one of the final steps needs to be reviewing and rebalancing the workload. Admin staff are most likely to be affected by these changes, and if your school lacked a good structure in your admin team, you are most likely to struggle with this area.
While I won't get into the weeds related to evaluating peoples workloads and getting into the process of rebalancing these workloads, in my opinion it's a critical part of a successful project!
If you are like myself, you are really hoping that the new implemented systems will be a huge benefit to everyone and that requires a post implementation review of processes and workloads.